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In The Netherlands 'DuurzaamDoor' is the name of the national plan on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in which formal, nonformal and informal learning is supported. This plan is based on multi-stakeholder participation, cocreation, social innovation and transformative learning as underlying concepts.
‘DuurzaamDoor’ is an initiative of the Dutch government, e.g. the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and is executed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
The focus in ‘DuurzaamDoor’ is on 5 thematic areas: Biodiversity, Foodsystem, Circular economy, Energy & Climate, and Water. And there are 3 crosscutting areas: Curriculum & Whole School Approach, Integral decisionmaking for SD (‘Omgevingswet’) and Regional Cooperations for (E)SD (‘Regionale duurzaamheidsnetwerken’), thus supporting bottom-up energy in society.
For the crosscutting area Curriculum & Whole School Approach the Cooperation Learning for Tomorrow (‘Leren voor Morgen’) is in the lead. This Cooperation was initiated by ‘DuurzaamDoor’. It is a platform in which several networks for formal education are gathered to work on the implementation of ESD in Curricula, Quality eduction, Whole School/Institution Approach, Teacher competences, School Housing. The Cooperation communicates good practices, from Kindergarten to Universities.
‘DuurzaamDoor’ also acts as ‘National Focal Point ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) for UNESCO (ESD for 2030) en UNECE (Strategy for ESD). Recent publications are:
- UNESCO ESD for 2030 Roadmap
- UNESCO ESD for 2030 Berlin Declaration
- UNECE Pre-draft Framework for ESD 2030
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